Monday, April 23, 2007

Presidents Who Resemble Catfish

Someone came up to the desk a few weeks ago and launched into this little statement with no preamble:

"I have scrutinized THOSE BOOKS and George W. Bush and Abraham Lincoln look like CATFISH!"


Once again, the public rendered me speechless.

Before I could even begin to think up an appropriate response to that, the guy left. I nodded to myself and filed the interaction away for later processing.

The next person who came up didn't actually need any help either, he just wanted to let me know his thoughts on the catfish guy: "Oh yeah, I bet he scrutinized those books. They don't look anything at all like catfish." This from a well-known built-in bookcase who might be missing a few shelves himself. "They look like rodents; ask anyone and they'll agree."

Luckily, my hour was up and I escaped to my closet-like office and hid behind the door until I was sure it was safe to come out.

Most days I have the words "FREAKS TALK TO ME" written in invisible-to-regular-people ink on my forehead. Most of the time I'm totally all right with that. I pretty much meet other people's definition of Nutcake myself. When anyone starts in with politics though, even just cosmetic opinions from a whole different century, it's usually time to take a break.

For the record, Lincoln totally looks like a falcon or some other big bird of prey, don't you think?

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